河滨华夏中文学校一直在密切关注新型冠状病毒疫情的发展,也理解家长们的担忧。随着病毒在美国社区开始蔓延,为了最大限度地保护华夏的孩子,老师及家长们的健康, 在通过各班老师征求家长意见后,河滨华夏中文学校董事会商讨后决定:
Dear Parents and Friends,
Riverside Huaxia Chinese School has been paying close attention on the development of COVID-19 and understand parents’ concerns. In light of recent updates on COVID-19, the Governor has declared a state of emergency. To best protect our students, teachers, and parents, the board of the school made the following decisions.
The 2020 Spring Break is extended to three weeks from 3/14 through 3/28
The 2019-2020 school year is extended for two weeks and the closing date is changed to 5/23.
We will decide whether to resume class on 4/4 upon COVID-19 updates. Our teachers started preparing online classes last month. We will try our best to maintain our language education.
The 2020 Chinese AP Exam is on 5/11. To effectively help our AP class students preparing for the exam, AP teacher will have online classes on 3/14 and 3/21, and will send online class invites to AP students and their parents.
Thank you for your cooperation and support.